I grew up with both sets of grandparents and most of all my cousins around. And, I tell you, we had a good time. Some of us went through highschool together and over the years we have gotten to be a tight group.

This is Jill. You see, on my mother’s side, I am 3rd in the birth order and she is 4th. We have always been close, and man, could we get into trouble together. We spent the winter’s up in Keystone and I don’t think there is a childhood memory of mine that does not include the two of us getting in trouble at the Mountain House together. We could be in trouble and laughing because we thought what ever we did was worth it.
We spent the summers on the boat and man, we even got into trouble then too. If the two of us were together, we were loud, we were causing trouble and we were laughing about it every step of the way. We just did it all together.
We went through high school together, she graduated the year after me, from a rival school in Fort Collins. But man, we had fun. We went through the rough times together and we can talk for hours on the phone.
We don’t live close now, but we can pick up the phone and it is like we had never missed a beat. She knows me so well. She knows just when I need an encouraging text or phone call. She is a prayer warrior. She is a faithful friend. She is loyal. She is trustworthy. She is honest, even when I don’t want her to be. She can shop like no one I know. She is proud to be my friend and I am proud to be hers.

You see, when we went places as a family, we had a great time and I love each and everyone of my cousins with all I have. I would move mountains for them. I would fly out to see them, just because they asked and most of all, I am on my knees on their behalf on a daily basis.

This is my Grandpa Mel and my Grams. You see, my Grandmother passed away some years ago, and to watch my grandpa grieve was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. You see, they did it well. They raised their 4 kids together, they played together, they loved each other and life ended far to soon my Grandma and our family was rocked to the core. But, he fell in love again, and in came my Grams. She is someone I love dearly. She has loved him well. She takes care of him, he takes care of her and it has been fun to watch them do life together. I enjoy our shopping trips. I am at peace when I hear her voice. I enjoy our conversations and I did not think it was possible to love her so much in such a short time.

And now, for my Papa George and MorMor. These are my dad’s parents and I am crazy about them. My Papa George has cared for me during many gymnastics injuries and has never forgotten my love for apple pie. You see, growing up, we could get a special package on our door step on Sunday mornings; Papa George would always bring donuts by for my sisters and I to enjoy. And every now and then, there would be an apple pie, just for me. Seriously, he would leave an entire apple pie on the porch just for me. He even drove to my dorm room, married student housing and new apartment to drop off a pie for me. He is passionate about science and introduced me to a microscope one year for Christmas and I have loved science classes ever since. He is the best story teller I know. Looking back I can remember our winters spent in Winter Park. He would “kidnap” me from school for a day and take us skiing, just the two of us. We would stop at McDonald’s on the way up and he would let me fall asleep on the way home. He was my safe place as a kid. He was and still is a hero of mine.
And my MorMor. She is one of a kind. I love her so deeply. She is an artist, her paintings are a treasure. Her talent is something I envy. Her sweet soft voice brings me peace. I admire her ability to tell it like it is and the songs and stories Papa George would tell about her when she was young are near and dear to my heart.