Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sweet Jesus broke the silence...

So, I am offically the mom who allows her child to play with rocks, we all are aware of that. However, my son has recently discovered the little crawly things that are around the sidewalks... rollie pollies, ants, bugs in general. He loves them, he as even eaten a rollie pollie or two in the last few weeks. However, recently we discovered something more than rollie pollies...

A little background and insight into our house in the last few days - I am not going to lie, Andrew and I had one of those "married moments" you know the kind. The moments that follow those "discussions"... needless to say things were a bit tense. We had not said much to eachother, mostly because we process the "discussion" for a while before we bring it up again to offically resolve the issue. So, we were "processing" and in the midst of it all, we decided to have dinner from one of our favorite burritto places in town. I am not going to name the resturant, but it is similar to Chipolte...

So, I pick up Isaac from day care, drop him off at home and run to get our to go order. I arrived with food in hand and we sit down at the table to eat. Conversation is pretty much as simple as it can get, and then, Isaac pipes up and starts talking to daddy - Daddy starts talking back and happened to look down into his plate before taking the next bite and noticed something a bit strange... I have included a picture for your assistance.
Do you see anything strange?
If not, I have given you a tiny little hint in the picture below...
Yes, you see that right, there is a large, black bug in the middle of Andrew's yumminess...

Now, if you know me, you know that I will take a hamburger back to McDonald's - I will take milk back to the grocery store, I will basically return anything and everything possible - so yes, I went back to the resturant, food in hand. And I must say, I was actually very nice. Jesus woudl have been proud. The employee gave us our money back for the meals and offered us a coupon for a free meal within the next seven to ten days!

Needless to say, we will not be returning in time to get our free meal, but Jesus blessed our house with laughter and great conversation last night. All is well in the Vigil home, the issues have been resoloved, we ordered pizza for dinner and I might want to caution any of you out there to look before you bite into your food, the next time things are tense in your home. You never know the kinds of blessings Jesus has in store for you.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sweet Jesus is moving...

Well, a work is being done, Sweet Jesus is moving in my life big time... more to come in terms of all the details I promise... but for now, I will leave you with that fact that it is exciting, it will be life changing and I am totally running over with excitment, nerves and almost bursting at the seams - will you pray over this time with me? It will be FABULOUS!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I love you!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Broken bones and tennis shoes.

It is no secret that gymnasts have ugly feet. It's a given. If you have ever watched gymnastics on TV, you will notice that the feet of these athletes take a beating. They are covered in white chalk, they are blistered, sometimes they are bloody and most of the time, some bone somewhere in their feet is broken. And, I can personally testify that gymnastics is one painful sport. I, personally, have broken numerous bones in my feet over the years. It is all thanks to those uneven bars and balance beam routines. Not to mention a funny landing on a tumbling pass or two. I grew up walking around barefoot, at times my feet were covered in athletic tape or in tennis shoes. Not to mention I spent the winter weekends and vacations in ski boots, so I have not always been a fancy shoe kind of girl. Needless to say my feet are at home in my tennis shoes.

When life gets out of control, or I start to question exactly what the Lord has planned for me and my family, I often slip my feet into those old, warn out tennis shoes and do a little something active. I have been known to go for a run, a long run, when a dear friend was dying of cancer. I have been known to go tumble at the local gymnastics center when the nights were a little too long and Andrew was a little too sick. I have also been known to slip on those tennis shoes, turn the praise music up and clean the entire house top to bottom. I am at home in my tennis shoes. I am at home, in my home. I am at home sitting under a tree, just Sweet Jesus and me. I am at home when things are peaceful and when things are anything but peaceful, I run home as fast as I can.

I feel like the past few years have been the longest gymnastics competition of my life, and my feet are just done. I have enjoyed the time I have spent, just Sweet Jesus and me. I have loved our long talks, our long nights together as we watched Andrew sleep and I am tender to the times we have worked out together. But now, life is changing, once again. And this summer has been the start of it all. I have been stretched and taken out of my comfort zone. I have had to leave my tennis shoes at home and slip my feet into some hot pink pumps, yes I purchased some bright, hot pink pumps and I have worn them to work twice. I have had to work with people, get to know people again and most of all, get comfortable around people again. I have had to leave the comfort of my home, my tennis shoes, and my alone time and get out there and do His work, with His people. I feel like I have been learning a new balance beam routine and in the process, my hands, feet, heart and soul have all taken a beating.

I may have to leave my tennis shoes behind, but through this process, He has clearly communicated to me that I will never have to go anywhere without Him, regardless of the shoes I wear on that particular day, He walks with me. I love that.

Sweet Jesus, sometimes growing up is not so fun. Sometimes, growing in general is not so fun. It is always rewarding, and thank you for being patient with me as I try to keep up with what you have in store for me. I love you and would follow you anywhere. Amen.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Our Summer in Pictures - Part 4 - HEAVENFEST

Yep, Heavenfest. I have had the oppurtunity to work with the Heavenfest team over the past few months. My job, the Front Gate, also known as the place where EVERYONE enters the event. Volunteers, Artists, Attendees, Sponsors, basically, anyone who was there, came through the Front Gate. It was a big job. It was at times really stressful but over all, it was life changing.

I took Friday before the big day off from work, only to do really hard work, it was a long day. Lots of walking, lots of talking and lots of people. Oh and not a lot of sleep! My sister, Carol, came to help me with everything and anything!

In case you wanted to know what it might look like for over 20,000 people to come and worship our Sweet Jesus for a few hours... First, it means a LOT of cars. A lot of parking and a lot land.

It means great music. Lots of music. Loud music and nothing but praise music!
It means amazing leadership.
It means long lines. Security lines, ticket sales lines, will call lines and a few lines of porta potties...


This is what it looks like for over 20,000 people to praise Sweet Jesus.

As a mama, nothing moves me more than watching the children raise their hands in praise. I mean, is that not the point of raising children, so that they might know HIM!

This event is and was life changing. I was moved to tears several times. I raised my hands in praise more than once. I sang the words of the songs as loud as I could and I gave everything I had.

In the end, my feet were blister, my body was sore, my hands were dirty, if I remember right, someone at one time went through a day that left HIS body broken, blistered and dirty as well. He did that for me, and I did this for HIM and only HIM.

I met new people and was honored to serve along side people I respect so deeply.
Sweet Jesus, may you be pleased with our service. May your heart be moved by the words you heard on that day. I pray you felt exactly how much I love you, I hope and pray you knew exactly how much it means to serve you and only you. I would not want my life to be devoted to anyone or anything else. I love you. I give my life to you. May my son one day raise his hands in praise to you and only you! Amen.

Nebraska - Our Summer Part 3

I took Isaac to visit some family in Nebraska. It was a much needed trip to spend some time with some very special family members. Isaac did well in the airport. He LOVED the moving sidewalk in DIA and I loved the little monkey backback/rope thing that was secured to him. :)

Praise the Lord, we had a window seat. We were able to look out which Isaac loved. He was able to stand up during the flight, he ate gymmy bears and over all did really well, he eventually fell asleep and I really enjoyed the cuddle time.

We arrived and we so excited to spend time in the pool. Isaac was unsure of it but we had a great time watching Elizabeth play with her daddy!

Isaac and Elizabeth had a great time. They played outside for hours. They drew pictures with sidewalk chalk and ran around after the dogs. It was such a relaxing time.

Elizabeth and Isaac also played basketball. It was a big hit with the little man!

Appartently the basketball also made a great seat!

It was a great weekend!

I had to take a picture of how I got Isaac, his car seat and our bags through the airport on the return home. It was the best way to travel, I will say the $4 for the cart was totally worth it!
Oh and on a side note: I was able to witness a family who loved eachother, prayed over eachother, enjoyed meaningful conversation at the kitchen table and most of all, I was a part of it. This trip was and will always be tender to me.
And to the middle cousin in this family - I LOVE YOU! I could not be more proud of the man you have become and I am proud of your choices.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I am addicted…

… to Jesus. Lord knows I am addicted to Him. I would give up everything, back a bag full of Bibles and smuggle them all into China if I could. My husband keeps me grounded and focused on what the Lord is REALLY calling me to, not just what I want to do for Him in the moment…

… to my husband… I cannot keep my hands off him. Seriously – I am so in love with that man it is dangerous… I could love on him all day – sometimes just a kiss from him will make the worst day into the best day-

… to my son – man he is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Everything he does makes me laugh, I can hardly stand to be away from him and I cannot wait until we add another little one to the family some day. He is going to make such a good big brother.

… to organization…. Ask anyone… I cannot stand to be unorganized. Even my purse is neatly organized…

… to a clean house… my passion for a clean house is just as strong as my passion for organization which is just as strong as my passion for sweet Jesus, my husband and my son. I cannot live without any of the three. Now, mind you, my house is not always clean, but when I get done cleaning, I am absolutely addicted to just sitting on the couch and enjoying it.

… to caffeine: I always have been a soda drinker, I have now branched into being a coffee drinker. However, I do not just drink black coffee, I must have fancy coffee, my morning beverage is, a Grande White Chocolate Mocha with extra chocolate, whole milk and whip cream. Yes, I like it to be as fattening as it can be. In the afternoon I enjoy a Mnt. Dew, Cherry Coke or Diet Pepsi – it is just part of life.

… to water, nope not the drinking kind. The swimming kind. I love the swimming pool. I could spend all day either in the pool or pool side enjoying a nice nap on the warm concrete.

… to fake nails. Yep, I am addicted to acrylic nails. I love them. I love the look of them, the fact that they are low maintenance. I love the feel of them, their shine when freshly polished and I absolutely love how they sound as I type on the keyboard at work. Not to mention that my husband loves the back scratches he gets when I get my nails done!

… to shoes. I love shoes. I am a new shoe lover so my collected has just started, but I am head over heals in love. I recently purchased a pair of HOT PINK shoes, not to worry, pictures are soon to follow.

… to office supplies. If I have a bad day at work, I will promptly order myself some kind of new office supply must have and it makes the day so much better.

… to HGTV… just ask my husband, he thinks it is an illness. I love to watch any and every show they have. I could decorate and redecorate our house on a weekly basis if my husband would not club me over the head with a big stick. I am always thinking of something new to do to the house… and he is always saying no to my ideas…. So lately I have come up with several FREE ideas – which he can never say no to!

I think if I make it through life with these addictions only, life is going to be good...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vegas and The Colorado Mountains - Our Summer Part 2

Sweet Jesus was so faithful. We were able to take our first trip which required a plane ride this summer. This was a big deal, ever since Andrew got sick. We were blessed with great family memories, a relaxing time pool side and some fabulous adult beverages.

About a week after we returned from Vegas we had another family vacation. We spend the 4th of July in Keystone Colorado. A favorite place for the Vigil Family. Andrew and I visit the area for our anniversary every year and I spent the winter's there as a kid. So the place is tender to me.

Isaac got introduced to Daddy's iPod and head phones and he LOVED them! We had great family time, Isaac got to spend tons of play time with his cousin Mercedes and he even spent some time playing in the river. Yes, I let him eat dirt, play with rocks and play in a Mountain RIVER.

Isaac spent time loving the slide - this kid is addicted to slides. He had such a great time playing with Grandpa Marty.

Mercedes was as cute as a button the entire time!
They took baths together....

Isaac played with his marbles, he would sit in the chair and play a game with himself for hours. It was just precious!
They took pictures together... I cannot seem to get over Isaac's face in this picture!
Daddy and Uncle Jim took silly pictures as well -
We just had a great time.
Isaac swam in the hot tub with Grandpa Marty - He is going to be a fish, I just know it.
We took Isaac to the top of the mountain, just to introduce him to it before the winter... you know, I wanted him to see it before he starts downhill skiing... Which will be this winter by the way!
And Isaac had to get a picture with Grandpa Marty, also known as his ski instructor....
It was a great trip. Both of them. It was a fun way to kick off the summer. We were blessed. My heart is full and my memories are rich!

Our Summer in Pictures - Part 1

This summer has been a good one - a busy one - but a good one. Jesus has been so good to us. Praise HIM! Over the next few days, I am going to share a little bit of our
summer with you through pictures. Enjoy!

Isaac can not get enough of his swing. HE LOVES IT.
We have worked hard to make the little bit of outside space we have, work for us. It has been fun to grill on the porch and play in the grass. What a great way to spend the evenings after a long day of work!

Isaac has met a friend, this is Matthew and he lives just across the sidewalk from us. They play so well together. Matthew will come over and take Isaac for "bike" rides. It is the most precious thing this mama has seen in a long time!!

Nothing beats playing outside with a few balls. Isaac is in love with being outside.
After all, what boy isn't!
Andrew and I purchased a small pool for our small front yard. It is a BIG hit with Isaac. He loves the water and if we let him, he would play in that pool all day and night - hopefully we will take a few swim lessons this winter.
There is more to come. We have yet to look at the Vegas Trip, the 4th of July Trip, Isaac's first airplane ride, which includes the trip to Nebraska and of course there are pictures of Heavenfest. So get ready, pictures are coming baby!