Yep, Heavenfest. I have had the oppurtunity to work with the Heavenfest team over the past few months. My job, the Front Gate, also known as the place where EVERYONE enters the event. Volunteers, Artists, Attendees, Sponsors, basically, anyone who was there, came through the Front Gate. It was a big job. It was at times really stressful but over all, it was life changing.
I took Friday before the big day off from work, only to do really hard work, it was a long day. Lots of walking, lots of talking and lots of people. Oh and not a lot of sleep! My sister, Carol, came to help me with everything and anything!
In case you wanted to know what it might look like for over 20,000 people to come and worship our Sweet Jesus for a few hours... First, it means a LOT of cars. A lot of parking and a lot land.
It means great music. Lots of music. Loud music and nothing but praise music!
It means amazing leadership.
It means long lines. Security lines, ticket sales lines, will call lines and a few lines of porta potties...
This is what it looks like for over 20,000 people to praise Sweet Jesus.
As a mama, nothing moves me more than watching the children raise their hands in praise. I mean, is that not the point of raising children, so that they might know HIM!
This event is and was life changing. I was moved to tears several times. I raised my hands in praise more than once. I sang the words of the songs as loud as I could and I gave everything I had.
In the end, my feet were blister, my body was sore, my hands were dirty, if I remember right, someone at one time went through a day that left HIS body broken, blistered and dirty as well. He did that for me, and I did this for HIM and only HIM.
I met new people and was honored to serve along side people I respect so deeply.
Sweet Jesus, may you be pleased with our service. May your heart be moved by the words you heard on that day. I pray you felt exactly how much I love you, I hope and pray you knew exactly how much it means to serve you and only you. I would not want my life to be devoted to anyone or anything else. I love you. I give my life to you. May my son one day raise his hands in praise to you and only you! Amen.
was that an awesome day, or what??