My fabulous husband lets me sleep in regularly and we have "family nap time" during the day in our house. Daddy works nights so he sleeps during the day, so during "family nap time", Daddy is sleeping, Mama rests on the couch which normally turns into sleep and Isaac sleeps... usually...
One day he asked to take his nap in his play room on his couch. Which had been successful in the past so I didn't give it a second thought... until...
... I woke up and noticed that he had been colored from head to toe...
... literally from head to toe... he even colored the area under his underwear...
... he was orange ... it made me laugh but we had to talk about not coloring on the areas under our underwear, we waited to show Daddy until he woke up and then we took a bath before bed... he is my favorite...
Once, my kids slathered the mirror in our 1980's waterbead headboard with Vicks Vaporub. Another time, they walked around and around a waterbed poking holes with pins in it. Once the enire second floor had been baby-powdered. Once they covered themselves head to toe in vaseline, hair and all...ah, naptime memories. :)