Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome to the family, blog, offically...

This is Esther, and Tim. Tim has loved my sister Esther for a few years now, they recently got married and now, Tim has been officially introduced to the blog. Welcome to the family!

I love that Tim loves Esther, I love how Tim loves Esther. I love that the two of them laugh together. I love that they have their own inside jokes. I love that they are friends and loves.

Frankly, I am rather discouraged. I am very pregnant and have not had the best pregnancy. This weekend, Tim and Isaac played and played and played. As I listened to them play and as I listened to Isaac laugh my heart was blessed.

Tim took these pictures on his phone. I think they are precious!

Isaac calls Tim his Big Big Friend, it is from a new TV show that he is watching about a little boy and his extra large stuffed animal that comes to life and there is even a song that goes with it.
Isaac sings the song all the time and it is precious that he sings it about his Uncle Tim.

"My friend, my big big friend, my good friend, my big big friend, my fun friend, my big big friend I love my big big friend. I can count on my big big friend, always with me, my big big friend, I believe in my big big friend, on you I can depend... My friend, my big big friend, my good friend, my big big friend my fun friend, my big big friend I love my big big friend"

Isaac will be in his play room just singing the song, over and over again, and when I ask him what he is singing, he says he is singing about Tim.

Welcome to the family blog Uncle Tim! We love you! Isaac loves you! Thank you for loving us!

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